

i do not own the copyright to any of the listed items (unless otherwise specified). all rights go to their original creators/holders.

this site is for FUN only.


every noise at once
it's not actually every noise at once. it's a way to explore every single music genre (to a degree). you can even explore artists within genres, etc. it only catalogued artists from spotify, though. but it's still very vast and could land you in great places you'd never thought you'd be.

simply put - it's free photoshop in your browser.

radio garden
listen to radio stations across the world.

the ultimate sangwara resource
a wiki all for the (inactive) italian music group 'sangwara' - site is down but it's archived.
also you'll find out whatever the fuck i mean by a "worldbus".

coding is a pain in the ass. it can be less of a pain in the ass if you help yourself to some guides to build your understanding so you're not just having shots in the dark every 9 seconds. w3schools is one i have relied on quite often.

fun miscellaneous stuff.


over 200gb of music semi-hand-selected-semi-brainlessly-downloaded.
